Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gamescom Demo, what's so different about it?

Get ready folks, this is going to be big! Many major changed and additions are making it in to the Gamescom version of the Guild Wars 2 demo.

First on my list of OMGYES! changes is the addition of PvP! That's right, you can get your hands on structured PvP at Gamescom this year. The Battle of Kyhlo will be where this PvP takes place, a conquest style map.

Character customization is another biggie. Previously you've only been able to choose from a small selection of pre-made characters. But now you can dive right into the expansive system that Arenanet has created for us!

Keep in mind that this will demo will not include every option possible, but still quite a few will be available.

Not only can you play Human, Norn, and Charr starting areas... but you can now play as a higher level Asura or Sylvari in the Sparkfly Fen area!

In regards to combat, a lot has changed. They have added the greatsword for the Guardian and Ranger, the hammer for the Guardian and Warrior, and the earth attunement for the Elementalist! But that's not all... They've also removed the energy cost from skills. Yes, that does mean that energy potions are completely removed. I personally liked the idea of a short "reload" type of energy potion required in combat, but I'm sure the newer system works just as well if not better. Energy is now only consumed by dodging, which has been changed to a new dodge button on the UI. 

The way you attain your weapon skills has changed as well. You now have to actually use weapons to learn the skills that are associated with them. Non-weapon skills will use a system similar to the one that the original Guild Wars used, a collection style mechanic. You will most likely have to quest and explore to unlock non-weapon skills for your class. Traits, attribute-spending, and the skill tiers have been changed as well, but it's currently disabled.

I'm looking forward to the many youtube player videos that will surely be uploaded in the near future! Check back here often as I will be displaying them in my future posts.

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