Monday, July 18, 2011

Potions?! Don't Worry!

I've seen that a lot of people are concerned about energy potions being in Guild Wars 2. These potions will be very cheap and abundant, and are akin to a reload in an FPS.

Offensive skills use very little energy, while defensive and utility type skills will use more, including dodging out of the way. As you can see from convention demonstration videos, the recharge of potions is in no way alarming. It has JUST the right amount of time on cooldown so that people don't spam their rolls, dodges, and utility skills to be able to be invincible until they run out of potions.

Around the 7:00 mark you can see the Ranger use a potion.

Don't fret about potions in competitive PvP! You won't be spending your entire gold supply on them, as you get a set number of battleground only potions when you start the match. These will reset when you die, and the map has a few scattered around it so you can restock without having to bite the big one. I don't know if this goes for WvWvW pvp, but I certainly hope it does!

You can find an in-depth interview about potions over at Kill Ten Rats!

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